Tackling the Book of Hebrews may feel a bit daunting. Isn’t it rather long and difficult? Has it really got anything to say to us today in our very different world?
The answer is: no, and yes! Scholars think that Hebrews was originally a sermon, so perhaps we could just preach it all in one go and leave it at that! It’s a sermon written to encourage believers who were getting a bit tired and were tempted to settle for less than God had for them in Christ. That is why it is there in the canon of Scripture, because its encouragements and warnings speak to disciples in every age.
To appreciate the majesty and power of the Book of Hebrew we will need to understand the Jewish world view which underlies it. Just as importantly, we will need to be ready to be challenged about our own walk with Jesus, and ready to commit to wholehearted discipleship with our love renewed.
Hebrews contains some of the most memorable and well-loved verses in the New Testament. Here’s one: ‘Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.’ Jesus invites us closer through study of his word. Why not read the whole Book of Hebrews ready for this summer series?
07 July: Getting the Big Picture
Hebrews 1
14 July: ‘You Crowned Him’
Hebrews 2
21 July: ‘Today’
Hebrews 3:1 – 4:1
04 August: ‘A Priest Forever’
Hebrews 5: 1-10 and 7:15 – end
11 August: ‘A New Covenant’
Hebrews 8 and 9
Due to technical issues, there is no recording for this service.
18 August: ‘A Better Sacrifice’
Hebrews 10: 1-25
06 October: ‘By Faith’
Hebrews 11
13 October: ‘Do Not Lose Heart’
Hebrews 12
20 October: ‘Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God’
Hebrews 13
To be continued…
25 August – All Age Service (not part of the series!)
Luke 10: 29-37